Taking the reins of a home is the hardest job in the world. This is the most important "industry", the one that works with human beings, your children, your husband.
In those talks with your mom, your aunts, your friends, maybe they have told you that taking the reins of a home is the most complicated job in the world, dedicating 24 hours a day to your home, but there is always a good reason: work for your family.
Besides love and commitment, organization and good administration are the keys to being a good housewife.
Being a housewife today is not for everyone. There are several reasons why a woman does not only dedicate herself to her home. Some are based on professional realization. Others reject this offer because of their economic situation, due to the need to take part of the sustenance to the home.
And there are also women who seek balance between the two areas. Likewise, there are women who dedicate themselves to housework because they see favorable results to this type of family organization.
In Western culture, a woman is considered a housewife whose main occupation is work in the home, taking charge of household chores such as housework, planning food, managing the family budget and caring for her. children.
Currently, when talking about housewives, there are all kinds of suggestions from society about it, especially among the female population, from those who are in favor of that role to those who disapprove or minimize its importance and hard work.
In the case of those who show themselves in a position of disapproval, they comment that it is because it supposes the cancellation of dreams and personal projections.
However, it is a fact that the best training that can be given to children is within the home and, as in any company, someone must be at the forefront to manage it in the best way, making efficient and optimizing resources and permeating values, virtues, regulations, etc., which is not an easy task, since it involves a lot of time and effort.
Although, on the one hand, it is an arduous task, on the contrary, it is of great satisfaction to be present and without restrictions in each of the moments of its development.
Seen this way, it becomes an essential task not only for a family but for society and becomes an endless debate, since nowadays not all women have this privilege and are torn between the family's economic stability and the dedication of the 100% of your time to those tasks.
Some tasks of the women who take charge of the home are:
- Manage smart finances and time.
- Organize the monthly expenses, trying to have a margin of error for extra expenses and taking into account that the budget is limited.
- Always have a clean house, whether or not you have help in the housework.
- Maximize help for this task, as well as ask all family members to take care of certain home maintenance tasks, since everyone must participate in these tasks.
- And the most important is perhaps, as in all households, to educate transmitting values and virtues to children. Being always present and not sharing parenting with third parties, like grandparents, becomes a powerful weapon for your children to be virtuous and grow confident, strong and independent.
Taking the reins of a home is not an easy task. There is overwhelm among the multitasking that should be done and, in these cases, it can be a little frustrating to have the house neglected, that the children do not eat properly, that they get low grades, among other issues, since their main project is the family .
Another factor, not least, is maintaining the relationship, so it is essential to continue with those details that preserve mutual interest. Of course, without it becoming a unilateral work, ensuring that the relationship also lasts.
Keep in mind that the children of this millennium like to have an active mother, who reads, who is aware of the world, who works in areas other than the home. As your children grow up and become less dependent on you, you can resume your hobbies or other activities of your liking.
That's right, being a housewife can be an overwhelming, tired and sometimes stressful job, which requires all your skills as administrator, cook, nurse, psychologist, gendarme, driver, teacher, etc.
But the most important and comforting, without a doubt, will be the personalized education of the children. For this there is no estimable salary, but the personal satisfaction of having formed men and women of good.
We all have work and if yours is to be a housewife, you are surely making the most of that opportunity. Remember that it is a job that in our days is highly valued and you will see the fruits of such efforts in the not too distant future.